16th January 2023 | Live Stream

Imagine we could discover something that could make us richer, healthier, longer-living, smarter, kinder, happier, more motivated and more innovative. What is this elixir? Confidence. Yes, if you have it, it can empower you to reach heights you never thought possible. But if you don't, it can have a devastating effect on your future.

On the 16th January, clinical psychologist and neuroscientist, Professor Ian Robertson will be on the Salon Digital Stage and probing the science and neuroscience behind confidence that has emerged over the last decade.

He’ll be explaining how confidence plays out in our minds, our brains and indeed our bodies and exactly how the lockdown, pandemic and global news cycle has changed our confidence - and just what we can do about it.

Come along and learn how confidence really works, where it comes from and how it spreads - including how to build positive habits and strategies to improve your confidence and manage anxiety.

Please bring your cup of tea or something else you enjoy to the screen on 16th January 2023 at 8pm and discover the secrets to building your confidence. Questions are most definitely welcome.

Book on the Salon for £7 or get the book and the livestream (and a watch back function) for just £16.99: How Confidence Works: The new science of self-belief, why some people learn it and others don't. Or become a member for £45 and let us curate a whole year of ideas - and watch whenever you like.